How To Add a Professional Touch to A Window Treatment?

Luxury window treatments seek a professional approach. Indulging with a window treatment is not all about hanging the luxury home curtains or draperies. It scope of a window treatment goes beyond what we think in general. Color, patterns, and dimensions are some crucial things that you need to keep in mind for luxury window treatments. The following section entails some concrete DIY window treatment ideas and tips that will help you make your room more energetic and appealing.  

Pay attention to color and pattern

Different colors impart different vibes. For instance, the color red is all about seductiveness and intense energy; meanwhile, green color drapers render a sense of freedom and joy. That is why color selection plays a vital in window treatment. Similarly, the curtain patterns also make a difference in enhancing the room’s appearance.

The solid color curtains adhere to elegancy and distinctiveness, while the check patterned draperies appear more contemporary.  Your choices must complement your room décors. The lack of synchronization can derail the whole purpose of window treatment.

Choose fabric wisely

The fabric has everything to do with the amount of light you wish to let in. The light fabric curtains ensure adequate visibility in the room during the daytime. For this reason, they are ideal for windows fitted in the drawing or dining room. Likewise, dense fabric drapers are suitable for bedrooms because they can block the incoming light.

Keep wall shades in mind

The overall appearance of your room heavily relies on the wall shades and the rest of the furnishings. Thus, it is vital to choose the curtain that perfectly complements your room décor. Selecting a draper in sync with wall shades and home decor can make a huge difference to the overall room appeal and feel.

Emphasize on ideal dimension

Curtains are available in different sizes and shapes. Curtain dimensions have everything to do with the overall window appearance. So it’s better to keep exact window dimensions in mind before you rushed to a luxury home curtains dealer. Short-length curtain to an extra-long draper, you will have a range of options to select from. All you need to stick around options that serve your intention. Stick to the following recommendations for choosing the ideal curtain size. 

  • Opt for an extra-long curtain if the room has a higher ceiling or the top end of the window lies just below the ceiling. Longer curtains will impart a broader look to your room. 
  • Make sure the curtain is wide enough for the entire window. 
  • Choose short curtains for the kitchen.


Choosing the ideal pairs of curtains among the vast choices can be difficult and perplexing. Adhering to the above points can help you avert such hassles and make an informed decision. Home décor is an art that has limitless possibilities. You may end up trying hundreds of combinations at the luxury home curtains outlet and still be unable to choose the ideal pick for your requirement. As an informed buyer, you need to slow down a bit, think carefully, and proceed accordingly in light of the above points.

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Luxury Draperies & Curtains Aren’tas Expensive as You Might Think

Everyone would love to install luxurious draperies and curtains in their house. But most people avoid buying luxury doors and windows treatment solutions just because their minds are under the impression that it would cost them too much. It isn’t exactly true, as there are products that can astonishingly embellish your property without being a burden on your pocket. All you have to do is go out into the market, do some research, and find the best product that might suit your style.

Home renovation and decoration are essential for many reasons. Organized interiors adorned with luxury décor solutions will surprise your guests. It will also surge the value of your property. Furthermore, it will help you create a pleasing, comforting, and heart-warming living environment. The benefits of choosing luxurious home décor hardware are many, but we shall focus ourselves on how luxury draperies and curtains can add value to your house without being an added expense.

First of all, understand what exactly luxury means in the context of draperies and curtains. Luxury, in the current context, is measured on the basis of numerous parameters, such as appearance, quality, and usability. The more magnitude of these parameters you get, the more your product is luxurious.

Appearance– Luxurious drapes and curtains have a mind-blowing appearance. They are more lustrous, colorful, and patterned. They get highlighted & ornamented with brilliant designs. The color combination is more precise, meaningless, and eye-warming. You won’t find color combinations that are unmatching or not making sense. Luxury doors and windows treatment solutions are made for serving specific purposes. For instance, you will find an exclusive range of products for the living room, dining room, bedroom, and so on, separately. You do have the option to purchase products that come with solid colors, but it has gone out of fashion nowadays. Still, it is totally up to you. Products can be and should be chosen based on the customer’s preferences, needs, and requirements. You will enjoy the liberty of selecting the most appropriate treatment solutions that speak for your style.

Quality- You get the best quality of products if you choose luxury drapes and curtains. The colors, fabrics, and other elements used are of the highest standard. Luxury drapes and curtains have elevated color-retention capabilities. The fabric used is undiluted, soft, and durable. You will observe the uniformity of texture in luxury products. You can also go for hand-made products. Rest assured, it is the quality of these products that are given utmost priority.

Usability- The most exciting benefit of luxury drapes and curtains is their usability. They perfectly match with the spatial dynamics of any property, be it your home, workplace, shop, storeroom, or any other place. They fit there as if they belong there. Moreover, since the quality of luxury drapes and curtains is kept high, they require minimum maintenance. They come with high-performance capabilities. You enjoy all these benefits just by paying a reasonable price.

An extra benefit!

Customization- If you are a person more inclined towards artistry and none of the available products make sense to you, or if you want to make several changes, modifications, or upgrades, you can go for product customization. To my surprise, everything from color, design, texture, etc., to the ‘type of fabric’ can be customized. You can make as many modifications as you wish in order to make your product suit your taste.

End Comments

Now that you know about some thrilling benefits of luxury drapes and curtains, try to compare the gains with their prices. Do you still think luxury drapes and curtains are expensive?

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Think about These Tips If You Want to Host a Family Event

When you prepare your home for a family event, you come to find that your home has always some portions that you need either to upgrade or replace with the new one. It doesn’t matter how much you organize the things in your home, there is always more to work on. 

The key to readying the interior of your home for a party is upgrading some important things that can grab your guests’ attention. You should always aim at creating a space that is comfortable for your guests.

Here in this blog, we will look at some important things to know how you can best prepare your home for a family event.

Make Notes of the Things You Need to Change or Upgrade:

Look around your home quickly to identify the things you need to work on. Once you come up with an idea, take a pen and paper to make notes for everything you need to change in the interior of your home. Be it your furniture, rugs, drapes, or other things, you should not leave anything unnoticed.

Create the First Impression:

Making a good first impression is crucial when it comes to hosting a family event. If you believe this is an opportunity to make your aged home look hospitable and greeting, you need to focus on some important parts of your home such as entryway, window treatments, rugs, furniture, gallery wall, and others.  

The living room and kitchen area are two important parts of your home where your guests would be spending their time—replace all the old drapes and furniture with the new ones. A custom window treatment can make a huge difference in creating a cozy and welcoming space.

Clean Your Windows:

Cleaning your windows is a high impact job as it renews the look of your windows. And they become even more alluring after the clean-up exercise, if you dress them with beautiful and luxury curtains.

De-Clutter Your Home:

No home is free from some clutter—you should de-clutter all the disordered things in your home to ensure your guests knock the things off a table while moving in your home. While getting your home ready for an event, you should not leave anything that could hurt your interior décor.      


Your table should have bespoke decoration as this is the centerpiece that will keep your guests fascinated. Try to decorate your table with eye-catching tableware, along with casual serving dishes and casual eatery.

Add Your Personal Touches:

Once you complete these tasks and your home is now clean and clutter-free, you should check if there is anything left unnoticed. Look around your home and try to add some added personal touches to every important area in your home. Try out some additional things like flowers, photographs, wall painting, and others to stimulate your guests’ senses.

Contact Professional Design Consultant:

If you are not sure where to start and what to upgrade in your home, you should not hesitate to contact a professional design consultant. It will help you choose the best custom window treatments, along with other important interior things like furniture, wall paint, rugs, and others.

Galaxy Design has a team of friendly and knowledgeable consultants who are ready to help you with any issues you may face while renovating your interior décor for a family event. It also offers a large selection of luxury drapes and curtain hardware to meet your home décor needs.